Come away with me to a sacred Indonesian temple buried for thousands of years…then rediscovered

I’ve partnered with Peter Bentley and Herman Beeftink as the screenwriter for some documentary videos for Intrepid Travel.

This is one of my favorites in the series. Thank you for letting me share it with you. We travel just outside of the Kingdom of Yogyakarta on the island of Java in Indonesia to visit–among other places–Prambanan and Borobudur temples. After a terrible earthquake, Borobudur was swallowed up by the jungle then rediscovered thousands of years later.

While touring the ruins, I got to thinking about the sacred that sometimes stays buried inside of us. What can we choose to discover every day that will lead us to unearth the sacred within? What will it take for us to unearth what we are longing to find? I’ve found that simple awareness is a beautiful start. Let the journey begin.

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