Daniele Lanzarotta author of The Imprinted Souls Series: Blood Bound Coming this October!

Coming this October! Blood Bound (Imprinted Souls Series #4) Read the whole series!  Imprinted Souls, Bloodlust and Divine Ashes

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Daniele Lanzarotta. One of the best parts of being an author is meeting other authors along the way. I’m happy to welcome Daniele to Laurasmagicday to talk about her latest in the Imprinted Souls Series

Laura: What was the first book you fell in love with?

DL : I bet you are probably expecting me to name a vampire book, huh?  The first book I fell in love with was Princess by Jean Sasson.  I could not put it down!  I think I was about 13 when I read this book, and I will never forget it.  The book tells the story of a Saudi Arabian princess.  Very powerful!  I can’t even imagine living like that.

Laura: What’s your favorite scene from your book?

DL : This is a tough question.  I have so many favorite scenes!  One of my favorites in Imprinted Souls (ISS#1) is when Tyler tries to erase Lexi’s memory of her soul mate, and attempting to do so takes so much out of him that he loses himself to the curse of being what he is… a vampire.

Laura: Who/what provided your greatest inspiration in writing your books?

DL : In the beginning, other YA authors and their novels were definitely an inspiration.  After reading their books, I craved writing my own stories, with my own characters.  Today, I find inspiration everywhere… through music, readers, and the characters themselves.

Laura: Was there any struggle you had to overcome in writing this book?

DL : One struggle in particular while writing this last book, Blood Bound, was dealing with how much one of the characters changed. Things happened in your life that shape who you are… who you become.  Those changes made this character very complex.

Laura: If you made a trailer for your book, where can readers find it?

DL : There is a book trailer for Blood Bound coming very soon. In the mean time, here is where you can find the book trailers for the first 3 books in the series (Imprinted Souls, Bloodlust, and Divine Ashes): www.danielelanzarotta.com

Laura: What’s the most awkward moment you had [and wouldn’t mind sharing] in High School?

DL : Well… the only one I can think of involves walking around with a cupid.  Yep, you read it right. *laughs *  I was part of a community service club in High School and sometime around Valentine’s day we went to visit kids at a children’s hospital.  One of the guys in the club went dressed as a cupid.  That was fun and the kids loved it, but after we left, we went to the mall. Let’s just say that Mr. Cupid had a great time embarrassing all of us.

Laura: Do you have any advice for new writers?

DL : Write everyday!  Allow yourself to get attached to your characters!

Laura: What are you working on now? Can you share a blurb from your new book?

Right now I’m working on final edits for Blood Bound (ISS#4).

*spoiler alert* Click here for the synopsis, ONLY IF YOU’VE READ THE SERIES!

 Laura: What fuel flavors your prose? [chips, popcorn, chocolate, etc….]

Chocolate?!  Where?  Did I hear chocolate? *laughs *

Laura: If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you most like to go?

Italy (or as I call it… vamp central).

Thanks so much for the great stories Daniele.  NEED MORE? Visit Daniele at her website.

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