PJ Hoover’s Solstice!

I’m excited to share my interview with PJ Hoover today, she and I ride The YA Indie Carnival every Friday.

Solstice by PJ Hoover

Solstice : Where Mythology and Dystopia meet...

Solstice is everything you’ve come to expect from PJ–a riveting, heart-felt journey that is as much of a nail-biting page-turner as it is a hopeful tale of the eternal.

Laura: What was the first book you fell in love with?

PJ : Ooh, great question! I loved so many (like THE CAVE OF TIME and GONE WITH THE WIND and of course THE HOBBIT), but my first true love when it comes to books was THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE. I could taste the Turkish Delight and feel the winter of Narnia. I wanted a magic wardrobe. It was perfect and makes for a great memory.

Laura: What’s your favorite scene from your book?

PJ : There are so many scenes I hold near and dear in SOLSTICE, but the one I’ve loved since its incarnation in my first draft is the scene where my main character Piper travels to the worst part of the Underworld, Tartarus. There are bad things and bad people and secrets to be known. It’s a huge turning point for Piper, and I had an absolute blast writing it (especially the bad guys)!

Laura: Who/what provided your greatest inspiration in writing your book?

PJ : I’ll go with Joseph Campbell on this one. For those who don’t know, Joseph Campbell put into words the whole idea of the Hero’s Journey, and how so many heroes across time, from the myths to modern day, have traveled the same path, moving from an ordinary world through doorways of no return and then on to a new place in their lives. I’d recommend, for anyone interested, THE WRITER’S JOURNEY by Christopher Vogler which takes the ideas behind Joseph Campbell and puts them into something totally manageable.

Laura: Was there any struggle you had to overcome in writing this book?

PJ : Endless revisions! I revised countless times over a period of almost three years. Thank goodness for writing friends to unload on.

Laura: If you made a trailer for your book, where can readers find it?

PJ : I did make my own trailer and am really happy with how it came out! It’s located here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkWezTGdTkg

Laura: What’s the most awkward moment you had [and wouldn’t mind sharing] in High School?

PJ : LOL! I had to be sometime freshman year. I had one of those crazy home perms and had no clue how to apply eye shadow (I still don’t). That said, I probably wore the coolest shoes freshman year. It was when I started my VANs craze, and Duran Duran was cool. I rocked the John Taylor hat.

Laura: Do you have any advice for new writers?

PJ : Stick to it! No matter how many rejections. No matter how many bad days. No matter how much you think you suck or that the whole career is pointless. Stick to it. We’ve all been there, but it’s only the ones who push through these moments that will end up with success!

Laura: What fuel flavors your prose? [chips, popcorn, chocolate, etc….]

PJ : Coffee. Dark and bold. And totally with caffeine.

Laura: If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you most like to go?

PJ : I’d love to pack up and take my husband and my two kids to hike along the Great Wall of China. I think a month of just walking would make for some serious family bonding and definitely a bunch of soul searching.

From PJ’s website:

Piper’s world is dying. Global warming kills every living thing on Earth, and each day brings hotter temperatures and heat bubbles which threaten to destroy humanity. Amid this Global Heating Crisis, Piper lives with her mother who suffocates her more than the chaotic climate. When her mother is called away to meet the father Piper has been running from her entire life, Piper seizes an opportunity for freedom.

But when Piper discovers a world of mythology she never knew existed, she realizes her world is not the only one in crisis. While Gods battle for control of the Underworld, Piper’s life spirals into turmoil, and she struggles to find answers to secrets kept from her since birth. And though she’s drawn to her classmate Shayne, he may be more than he claims. Piper has to choose whom she can trust and how she can save the people she loves even if it means the end of everything she’s ever known.

Need more? Check out PJ’s Tour Schedule here and find out what exciting things she is up to this summer.

Thanks PJ for stopping by!

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