Readergirls Interview with Ginny from Winnemucca & A Scare In The Air

Hey all, I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. I’m really excited that Readergirls is hosting my interview with Ginny, from Winnemucca today. I share the first conversation Ginny and I had about five years ago, and Ginny share’s the decision that changed her life and what she thinks is the scariest thing of all. Speaking of Halloween, I  hope you’ve had a chance to sneak in a good scare already. I had mine. It was on the flight home and I had just taken off  from Portland, OR to San Jose, CA when the plane’s cabin door started making this high-pitched whistling sound. It was such a loud noise that the flight attendants started handing out earplugs to everyone.

Halloween Tree

I was busily scribbling in my journal, as I love to do on planes, oblivious to the situation because I always wear my amazing Boise noise canceling headphones on airplanes. A MUST for the frequent flyer. Anyhoo, so I notice everyone wearing earplugs and a flight attendant bending down a wee bit, obviously addressing the concerns of one of the passengers. I take my headpones off and listen in on the conversation.

“Well, it appears we have a little leak in the seal around the cabin door. It’s ok, really. Nothing to worry about. We are losing pressure but very slowly, so we’ll be fine.”

Passenger: “No danger?”

Stewardess: “No.” She laughs. “If we were in danger we would land.”

Gulp. Ok, why did the episode from Star Trek with the monster on the wing of the plane come to mind? And, if everything was OK like she said, why did the freaking seal have to make so much NOISE. And why did the pilot come over the loud speaker and say this:

“Ladies and gentlemen we are flying at 28,000 feet and we have a little issue. Seems our cabin door seal is leaking. Now don’t worry. I’ve checked all the gauges and we are in acceptable ranges. And the door won’t come flying off or anything…”

Really? Ok. And this is hilarious. What do I do? I grab my purse a little tighter because if that mother blows I don’t want to have to replace all my cards and driver’s license. I think I’m lucky because I’m at the back of the plane and everyone knows that the people by the door are the ones who’d get sucked out first.

Yeah. I had a good scare. How about you?

2 thoughts on “Readergirls Interview with Ginny from Winnemucca & A Scare In The Air”

  1. Congrats on the interview. :3

    Once we were flying to London and a flight attendant called my mom up to the galley to inform her the man sitting next to her fit the profile of a racial terrorist. Why did the flight attendant tell her this? Because she wanted my mom to ‘keep an eye’ on him, like stop him if he tried to light his shoe on fire.

    Travel horror stories are the most entertaining.

    1. OOO! Thanks McKenzie! OMG! No freaking way. Your mom is one cool cucumber. I think I would have totally lost it! Did you know at the time? Or did your mom tell you after? Yup. I think there is nothing more terrifying than being in a bad situation having no way out! Missed you this weekend.

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